Third-Party Base map Providers

To support more base maps in VDV, it is possible to use third-party services.

VDV supports base maps from MapBox, MapTiler, WMS, WMTS, and TMS. What these maps have over the static base layers is that they are automatically updated so that users can avoid the upkeep of the maps as they change over time.

It is necessary to sign up for a user account at these third-party services to use their services. A user token will then be provided that is entered in VDV to connect the two services.

Adding a new base map provider

To add new base maps select the list icon in the top right corner

Select the Account Type and click the checkmark to add a new base layer

MapTiler and MapBox

MapTiler and MapBox allow access to Public Maps that are then updated automatically

Select the Account type and enter the token.

New base map options will appear when the account has been configured in the GIS setup.


WMS, WMTS, and TMS allow users to use their own map services as base maps in GIS, and work even for Private maps that are then updated through the service rather than having to manually update each map.

to set up any of these the Service URL is added and following the Base maps to show will list out available Base maps.

The User will then select which Base Maps he wishes to import from the Service by selecting the checkmark in front of the desired base maps to finish the setup.

Creating Access Tokens


Sign in to the account and select Tokens from the user menu.

Create a new token for your VDV Server. It is recommended to limit the token only to your VDV web URL.


Sign in to the account, select Account, and then Keys from the user menu.

Create a new token for your VDV Server. It is recommended to limit the token only to your VDV web URL.

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