
Eyzzi Vista Updated by Eyzzi Vista

Data Source Ackcio allows users to import data into VDV using the Ackcio and VDV API.


Navigate to Data Source -> Ackcio on the left-hand side menu in VDV.

To set up a new import, click on the + icon in the top right corner

Enter a name, select an Owner, and press save.

A window with an API token will pop up. Copy this token and store it securely.

Go to your Ackcio gateway settings page and edit the Upload Mode setting.

Choose API and select Vista Data Vision in the integration selector. The URL is the path to your VDV system + /api.php/ackcio, and the Token is the one copied from the Ackcio VDV setup.

For the system
The URL is

After pressing the green confirm button in the project setup, the Project will appear in the Project list under Data Source -> Ackcio.

To edit the Project, click the edit button on the right side of the Project. In the same place, it is also possible to delete the project and view health data

Note: The health data will be available once the Ackcio API starts sending data to VDV

Ackcio - SAA

If the Ackcio Gateway includes SAA Nodes there are a few steps that are required so the SAA data imports correctly into the VDV system.

When an SAA Node has been added by Ackcio the project will become yellow indicating that there are missing settings that are needed so that VDV can convert the data correctly.

Click on the button and locate the SAA node in the list.

Click the cog icon and the SAA Settings opens up.

From there it's required to set the

  • Type
  • Units
  • Azimuth
  • Reference

and save.

Once the information has been updated the VDV System will import Ackcio SAA Nodes directly into VDV.

Missing Calibration File Error

In the case where the VDV is unable to connect to the internet and download the calibration file, a manual upload of the calibration file is possible.

Click the button and in the upper right corner, there is a button displaying the serial number for the calibration file required to upload.

That serial number can be used to download the calibration file in the SAA Suite.

Click the Upload Calibration File button and upload the calibration file.

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