
Ragnar Tryggvason Updated by Ragnar Tryggvason

VDV allows you to create a folder hierarchy and upload documents to different folders under Documents. The documents are connected to the access control so Users will only see documents that are connected to Owners that they have access to


File Structure

To create, Edit, or Delete folders use the 3 buttons at the top of the page.

When creating a folder you need to give it a name and select in which folder it should appear.

Adding Documents

Click the Add button at the top to upload a new document.

Choose the Document you wish to upload, choose the Folder it should appear in, and type a short description that will be visible in the document overview.

Access Control

When creating a User there are 4 options to select from

None: No Access to Documents

View: Can only view Documents that have been uploaded to an Owner that the User has access to

Edit: User can add new Documents and Edit its own Documents

Admin: Can add new Documents and Edit all other documents that are connected to an Owner that the User has access to.

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