Setup Azure AD for VDV

Open the Azure Portal, navigate to "App Registration" and click "New Registration". For Supported account types select "Accounts in the organization directroy only". Redirect URI should be set to Web…


Setup Single Sign-On in VDV

The IdP must be configured before the SSO Provider can be created in VDV. Please read Setup Azure AD for VDV or Manual provider setup for instructions. You'll need the following info before continuin…


Single Sign-On setup checklist

New user. Can log in and is greeted by "Message for new users". Does not have access to any projects. Email notification was sent and received. New User given access to projects by Project Admin or S…


Manual provider setup

Manual configuration requires knowledge about the IdP software being used and is out of the scope of this documentation. The parameters required to be set are: Client ID. Client Secret. Authorization…


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